project No. 1-3.1-11
“Promoting foreign investments in cross border area, by creating and developing cross border sectoral poles of competitiveness”
(23.07.2010 – 22.10.2011)
Romania – Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013
Priority axis 3:
“Economic and Social Development-Economic development and social cohesion by joint identification and enhancement of the area’s comparative advantages
Key area of intervention 3.1:
“Support for cross- border business cooperation and promotion of a regional image and identity”
Lead Partner: Romanian Association for Electronic and Software Industry- Oltenia Subsidiary (ARIES Oltenia)
Partner 2: Cross Border Association E(quilibrum) Environment (ATeE)
Partner 3: Vidin Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Partner 4: Agency for Regional Development and Business Center - Vidin
Dolj - Vidin cross border area is a relatively low developed area, with few sustainable business partnerships and business climate less developed compared to EU25. Investments are low, despite good geographical position and infrastructure opportunities - TEN-T, Danube river, airports, inter-modal transport facilities
On medium and long term, the project will create a dynamic relation between Romanian and Bulgarian cross border businesses, characterized by high competitiveness and technological innovations that will attract investors and sustain economic development in the area.
The main objective of the project is to support sustainable economic development by promoting the regional opportunities in order to attract foreign investments to the cross-border area.
More specifically, the project aims to identify the local and regional advantages and develop instruments for their promotion at regional and international level.
Activities carried out are oriented to limiting cross border problems in business area, through increased information, coordination and support facilities - networking meetings, such as economic missions and sectoral conferences
Also, the project creates the instruments for attracting business investors and improving their perceptions on the area, by pointing out, through regional study and cross border portal, the advantages and value-added resources in the area.
The project activities are oriented towards 2 different groups of interest in the cross-border area: SME’s and public authorities.